That sums up (some of) what I caught during Madras Week. It’s an awesome idea, and restaurants, newspapers, and marketers have caught on to what they think is a great money-spinning idea, coming right after Aadi. Let’s not forget that many of Madras Week events, by themselves, are free to the public, and a great way to get to know the city of Chennai.
Before I forget: the scandals were a reference to the talk by Randor Guy. It was packed to capacity. The scandals were not all that many—proof again that scandals and affairs sell. It was held at a place called the Madras Terrace House in Royapettah. The house seemed like a renovated Madras home with clay tiles and framed photographs of cinestars of yesteryears. It all looked good, but seemed to try too much to be antique, if you know what I mean. The talk itself was too short for the vast history that I thought he would cover. But it was a lot of fun, and I thought the Raja Sando character was too colourful—where can I get more info on him?
Anyway, there were five photowalks organized by the wonderfully enthusiastic Chandrachoodan Gopalakrishnan during the week. I caught the last part of the one inside the Southern Railway Headquarters, and some of the one on Mint Street. Here is where we were asked to congregate near the Jain Temple. It turns out that every other building on Mint Street is a Jain temple (although the biggest one was really big). I promptly got off at the first one, thinking it was it, and the auto driver, for obvious reasons, did not bother to correct me. My camera was kaput and I used the camera on my mobile phone, but just as a general walk, it was great!
Here are some pictures from the Railway HQs:
And here are some from the Mint Street walk:
I also attended what was billed as an evening of plays and performances on Chennai, but ended up being a string of bands (mostly college bands) belting out some numbers--covers and originals. Peter Kaapi was one of the bands, and the burqa-clad girl held my attention for a bit--she was a decent MC.
But honestly, I could not understand a word of what she sang in this song, “Asathoma Sadgamaya”!! The sloka was sung clearly and without many drum beats, but the rest, whoosh… over my head. Wasn’t even sure if it was English or Tamil. I’m partial to rap, but a duo calling themselves “Watta Bottles” came on stage, and I had a nice time listening to them. But like I say, I’m partial to rap. I didn’t have the time to stay for the whole program. BTW, this was at Alliance Francaise, and their canteen had some pretty awesome coffee/dry fruit cake.
Saturday was a busy day as I headed out to check out Chitra Madhavan’s talk on “Four Famous Temples of Chennai.” The house was packed, and surprise: snacks were part of the talk. These Heritage folks must have some major money! The talk was interesting, and I’ve resolved to attend more of her talks. Apparently, she has a monthly talk at the Musiri Chamber, 28/2, Musiri Subramaniam Rd., Mylapore, every month.
Sunday was low-key for me. Just attended part of the Madras Quiz. Learnt so much; forgot most of it! There was a nice coins, and rare books exhibition at the venue, P.S. Higher Secondary School.
I’ve decided to somehow learn more about my city through the year, not just this week! But when I was 15, I decided I'd be the CM of TN by now...