Thursday, January 28, 2010

Unhealthy Obsession

start rant

What is this obsession with height, colour, etc.?

The TV is full of ads with claims of their "nutritional drink" being the best health drink to "increase the height of kids"! WTF?

What's wrong with being short? One ad says, "Kids always like to be tall.. so, use blah blah." Umm... kids also like playing in the dirt, and eating chocolate as their sole means of survival, lady!

How tall is the greatest cricketer ever? Or the Father of the Nation? Or Picasso? C'mon people--it is more repulsive than the fairness cream ads, honestly.

And parents better beware--if something increases your growth inordinately, doesn't it stand to reason that it probably has growth hormones in it?

end rant



I agree

Gurooji said...

Thanks, Raji. Are you back in Chennai?

Absolutely Serendipitous said...

Good to be back here.

Munchmany said...

yeah....i agree too....

bharathi said...

so well said, if parents think like you, most kids will have not have self image issues...