This worm-type thing is on the arali plant in our garden (Initially thought they were flowers). Not sure if you can see them--they're the shiny things on the underside of the leaves.
These lovelies are in bloom too! MIL had a bunch of these in front of our house, but the corporation took them out to pave the footpath completely.
Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with the garden—it’s all my MIL. They're really nice to be around and photograph, though. Once more of the flowers are in bloom, will post more pictures.
The lilies look lovely. And, your garden is just great.
Your MIL must have been heartbroken when the corporation removed the lilies. No?
Thanks, Munchmany.
Yeah, but she has all these flowers to tend anyway, and is looking forward to this season--at least she has something to look forward to in the Chennai summer!
I'm not able to identify lilies in this picture but I have seen your MIL's beautiful garden and have heard stories about how she keeps herself busy with her gardening work. Having such a big garden in a city like Chennai, where there is hardly any space is a blessing.
I love these Easter lilies, especially the ones in this salmon/peach colour.
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