Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jack of all Fruits

In our garden

I've never had raw jackfruit (called pala moosu) before. But apparently, jackfruits mostly come in pairs, and one of them is cut young to allow the other one to grow and ripen well. The young jackfruit is cut to remove the fruit, which is cooked and made into a vegetable just like plaintain is.

Also learnt: Raw papaya can also be made into koottu.


Absolutely Serendipitous said...
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Absolutely Serendipitous said...

Didn't know that they came in pairs. I love jack fruit sabzi (north Indian style.)Try it.

Quacky Art said...

I am in Atlanta GA. We grow all the Indian Veggitables except jack fruit. We get jack fruits but it does not taste like we have in India. Beautiful picture.