Friday, March 6, 2009

Chennai to Bengaluru: Namma Oor

I guess I have so much to say about my trip to B'luru, I've been postponing it.
Here's just a little observation:

When I saw the B'luru Metro Rail work going on, I also saw little signs that said, "Namma Metro," with the image of a kolam. This one:

Hey, I always thought the kolam was a quintessential Tamil marker--sort of like murals and Philadelphia, or lassi and Punjab! Guess K'taka has adopted it too.

However, I learnt that "Namma Metro," which can be read as a Tamil phrase, is actually said a bit differently in Kannada. Well, let's hope the poor city gets the project done quickly anyway.

As for the kolam design, look at the Mylapore Festival logo:

Is this kolam the easiest one to reproduce or something?


Munchmany said...

Even andha people have the kolam ritual.

Food for thought:

Down south, people consider it auspicious to clean and mop the porch area early in the morning and put Kolam.

But up north, the same ritual is considered inauspicious. They feel "Lakshmi" will go away.

Interesting isn't it?

Vegetarian Zest said...

I have fond memories attached with this design. This was the first kolam design that was taught by my avva. After that I was lost in number of dots. I can't draw any I'm assuming this particular design is the easiest one.

Gurooji said...

Maybe Lakshmi makes her way South from the North everyday -- we in Chennai consider it inauspicious to keep the "kollai" door open in the evening :)

I guess your anathema to maths and numbers is a deep-rooted one!

vennila said...

There used to be some talented beggars who would draw gods on the road with kolam or rangoli and people would throw money on it. That is the best use for it. Ever seen that?